Laying of Hands Service - Xeirothesia/Xeirotonia Sunday of Orthodoxy
With great joy & splendor the first Sunday of Lent Sunday of Orthodoxy, with the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch of Kiev and All Rus FILARET the Orthodox Community of Saint Savvas of Kalymnos- Sydney who recently was accepted under the umbrella of the Exarchate in Greece -Orthodox Church of Ukraine of Kiev Patriarchate, celebrated the Divine Liturgy amongst dozens of faithful with the Procession of the Holy Icons & a laying of the Hands (service).
Presidied by the Patriarchal Exarch in Greece of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate bishop Chrysostomos with the participation of priests, the Chancellor of the Patriarchal Exarchate Fr Sotirios, the Ukrainian priest Fr Michail Byk and Fr Savas Pizanias.
During the Liturgy with the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch of Kiev and All Rus Ukraine FILARET the Service of Laying on of hands Ordination & (Xeirothesia) was conducted on the Protopresbyter Fr Savas Pizanias by his Grace & Patriarchal Exarch of Greece bishop Chrysostom and just prior to the end of the Service Fr Savas was bestowed with the title of Protoprespyter and Spiritual Father & was appointed the official Representative of the Patriarchate of Kiev-Exarchate of Greece in Australia.
Dozens of believers attended and was honoured by the presence of this historic day for Orthodoxy, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate.
The Divine Liturgy was celebrated in three languages, Greek, Ukrainian and English.
After the Divine Liturgy all sat for a lenten lunch many of whom traveled several hours to live this historical moment, where Ukrainians, Greeks and Australians have joined forces and they walk longer the sole purpose of better organization and empowerment of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate in the Australian continent and the wider region of Oceania.