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Epiphany 2021-Blessing of the Waters During Covid.

Epiphany 2021-Blessing of the Waters.

What a blessed Epiphany- Throwing of the Holy Cross service today 6/1/2021 ! Although it was scheduled for this Sunday because of the latest Covid restrictions it had to be cancelled because of the large crowds it attracts every year. Nevertheless, rather than totally cancelling it, we decided to still conduct the Blessing of the Waters service and Throwing of the Cross today after church- adhering to the 30 people limit. Yes, it was different this year not having the large crowds or the many participant divers, but we feel blessed that at least we still performed the Service and blessed the waters here in Sydney-NSW, which was the main thing! A Blessed & memorable day! Congratulations to the male participants and to the winner Alex Zekyrias.


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