Our Church Celebrates Majestically our Saints Feast Day!
In a majestic and festive manner & atmosphere our Church & Community (one of the only churches worldwide to be named solely after Saint Savvas of Kalymnos- that is after his Monastery in Kalymnos) celebrated its feast Day for our beloved St Savvas of Kalymnos yesterday & today the 5th Sunday of Great Lent. Beginning with Great Vespers on Saturday evening where the Saints Salutations were also chanted, the festivities concluded with the celebrative Divine Liturgy & Procession of our Saints Holy Icons today. To see so many people take part & a full church and faithful coming from all over Sydney & other parts of NSW to come to pray and venerate our Saint, was a blessing. Free food (lental), drinks and sweets were given to all the faithful after the Divine Liturgy. All also had the blessing to venerate one of the Saints Holy Stoles and an icon he hand painted Himself in 1919 in Aigina, signed by the Saint Himself, which our church is blessed to have. For those present the emotions & tears were hard to hold back, as our Saints presence around his church was felt by all, and his abundance blessings are evident on a daily basis. Glory to God & St Savvas intercede for us all, and to those who truly believe in you from the heart.