Patriarchal Delegation Australian Trip-Slideshow

Slideshow of the Patriarchal Delegation Trip to Australia (6th -16th November 2017) Kyiv Patriarchate, Led By His Eminence Epiphanios - Patriarchal Vicar. A Historical Trip, with the Patriarchal Vicar visiting Australia for the first time. The Highlight and main purpose of the Trip was to officiate at the Consecration Service of St Savvas of Kalymnos Orthodox Church in Banksia, Sydney, which is Part of the Greek Exarchate of the Kyiv Patriarchate. His Eminence was able to also visit the other Ukrainian Churches under the Kyiv Patriarchate in Sydney & Newcastle, met Politicians, Ambassadors and other dignitaries.

#SlideshowPatriarchalDelegationtoAustralia #StSavvasofKalymnosSydney #MetropolitanEpiphanios #FrSavvasPizanias
