Our Church Feast Day! A Huge Success!

Yesterday was our Church Feast Day. Glory to God, Thank you our beloved St Savvas. What a blessed Feast Day it was! Record crowds for our church which was packed in and out with people lined up outside too, and a full hall too! Wow overwhelming and very emotional. Thank you to our Sister Ukranian Orthodox Churches under our Kiev Patriarchate of Blacktown (Transfiguration of our Lord) and Newcastle ( St Basil) who were represented by Fr Vadym, Parish President of Blacktown - Andrei & Peter & Nila from Newcastle. Also Fr Efstafy for Saturday nights Great Vespers. A huge success for our Saints new Church! Thank you All for attending! Below are Highlights of our weekend Feast (Vespers & Liturgy).

#StSavvasofKalymnosFeastDayVespers #FrSavasPizanias #KievPatriarchate #UkranianOrthodoxChurch
